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Sim#: Categories that our courses can simulate in real university programs
Content: 課堂內容 Related topics of the course
Discussion: 課堂中小組討論環節 A session for you to discuss with your classmates
Lab: 實驗課 Lessons in laboratory
Lecture: 授課 Lessons in university taught by instructors
Practical: 實踐課 An examination or lesson in which theories and procedures learned are applied.
Tutorial: 導修課 A period of tuition mostly given by a university or college tutor. It may include teaching of course content, group presentation or case-based studies.
Course Catalogue - Faculty of Arts and Social Science
地點:傑出文社大樓(Rm 308)
JS4056 CUHK BA History
香港中文大學 歷史文學士
香港史 History of Hong Kong
Mr. So Hiu Yeung Kelvin 蘇曉揚先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: 講解20世紀英屬香港的雙語高等教育之發展和演變
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 1
Sim #: Content, Discussion
JS4018 CUHK Chinese Language and Literature
香港中文大學 中國語言及文學CHLL4403
香港文學 Hong Kong Literature
Ms. Law Yin Mia 羅彥女士
Course introduction 課程簡介: This course gives a survey of the development of Hong Kong literature by reading the works of major authors. The relationships between literature and history, as well as between literature and society, will be emphasized. The artistic quality of Hong Kong literature and its place in modern Chinese literature will be evaluated.
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 3-4
Sim #: Lectures (Content)
JS4848 CUHK Government and Public Administration
香港中文大學 政治與行政學GPAD1095
政治哲學導論 Introduction to Political Philosophy
Mr. Choi Chun Hei Adrian 蔡俊熙先生
Course introduction 課程簡介:介紹兩位政治哲學家 John Rawls 及 Robert Nozick,讓學生思考一個理想政府的功能及權限。
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 1
Sim #: Content, Discussion
UGFN 1000 與自然對話
In Dialogue With Nature
Dr Cheung Hang Cheong, Derek 張恆鏘博士
香港中文大學 通識教育基礎課程講師
Course introduction 課程簡介: This course is an intellectual pursuit across various natural sciences including the two most fundamental ones, physical and biological sciences. Ancient Greek philosophers took the lead in exploring the physical world and the world of life with reason and hence laid the foundations of natural science. This human enquiry into Nature leads to a reflection on the human understanding of Nature and the humans’ place in Nature.
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 1-2
Sim #: Lecture, Content
JS4331 CUHK B.A. (Chinese Language Studies) and B.Ed. (Chinese Language Education) ⾹港中⽂⼤學 ⽂學⼠(中國語⽂研究)及教育學⼠(中國語⽂教育)
Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs
Mr. Shek Kam Ming 石淦銘先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: 介紹有關特殊教育需要兒童的種類及介入方案
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 3-5
Sim #: Content, Discussion, Lab
JS6406 香港大學法學士
Breakdown of the Legal System
Ms Ng Tsz Ying Amy 吳芷盈女士
Course introduction 課程簡介: This course gives an introduction to tort law, and emphasizes the idea of studying law without devoting time. The possibility of studying law and acing law examinations without actually understanding the teaching content will be evaluated.
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 2
Sim #: Discussion/ Simulation of Law Tutorial and Examination
Course Catalogue - Faculty of Science
地點:遊協理學大樓(Rm 302)
JS8430 EDUHK Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Science)
香港教育大學 科學教育榮譽學士
Teachers and Teaching in Context
Mr. Ng Chi Hong Moses 吳志康先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: Challenges are inevitable in the life of a teacher. This course will provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to perform as a professional teacher. It aims to help students in developing the competencies needed specifically in the Hong Kong context, establishing the sense of professionalism and cultivating a critical mind towards pertinent issues affecting the teaching profession in the changing local context.
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 3
Sim #: Content, Discussion
JS4648 CUHK Earth and Environmental Science (EESC) 香港中文大學 地球與環境科學
Climate System Dynamics
Mr. Ho Ka Chun Thomas 何家晉先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: We are affected by global warming nowadays. Apart from the greenhouse effect, are there any other mechanisms affecting global or regional temperature patterns? Why is global warming caused by us and what are its corresponding effects on the earth? This course introduces climate systems via various aspects, such as hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere, and the past and the future of the earth. It is suggested having some background of physics and global warming.
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 1-2
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: Physics, M1/M2, Chemistry, Biology and Geography (Elective Weather and Climate preferred)
Sim #: Lecture, Content
JS3741 PolyU BEng (Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering 香港理工大學 機械工程學(榮譽)工學士組合課程ME32002
Engineering Design Fundamentals
Ms. Cheung Hiu Ching, Athena 張曉晴女士
Course introduction 課程簡介: Identify, formulate and solve engineering design problems (e.g. calculation of tolerance, dimension of bearings)
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 2
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: Physics, M2, M1
Sim #: Lecture
JS5282 HKUST Engineering with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
香港科技大學 香港科技大學
工程學– 延伸主修人工智能
AI Ethics
Mr. Ng Shan Cheng Francis 伍鄯誠先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: As artificial intelligence is affecting every sphere of our work and lives, ethical problems have been raised within society. This course aims to allow students to explore the area of AI ethics, relevant AI concepts and many more AI related ethical problems.
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: /
Requirement 要求: An iPad is required for the course
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: No 無
Sim #: Discussion, Lecture, Research
JS4513 CUHK Bachelor of Nursing
香港中文大學 護理學學士
JSSU40 HKMU Bachelor of Nursing
香港都會大學 護理學榮譽學士NURS1164
Fundamental of Nursing I
Ms. Cheng Ching Yi Ruby 鄭晴怡女士 &
Mr Tsang Hon Sang 曾漢生先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: Concepts of infectious agents, infection risks, and nosocomial infection; Principles of infection control; Infection control in relation to nursing practice; Infection control policies and practices: medical and surgical asepsis; The use of common antiseptics and disinfectants; Wound care and dressing techniques.
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 1
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: Biology
Sim #: Content, Lab
香港中文大學 內外全科醫學士課程
Human Function
Mr. Wong Yuen Lung 黃源龍先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: Overview of Renal Physiology
Upon completion of this lecture, students will have a basic understanding of
(1)General structure of the kidney,
(2)Renal regulation of electrolytes, water, and pH
(3)Clinical conditions related to renal functions
(4)Renal pharmacology
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 2
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: Biology / Chemistry
Sim #: Lecture & Tutorial
Course Catalogue - Faculty of Business
地點:優才發展商學大樓(Rm 304)
JS5814 HKUST BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence (Business School and Science School)
香港科技大學 理學士 (風險管理及商業智能學)
Mr Lam Ho Wai 林浩瑋先生 &
Mr Pong Ka Ming 龐嘉明先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: Game Theory
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: /
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: Economics
Sim #: Lectures (Content)
JS6884 HKU BSc(QFin) / Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance
香港大學 理學士(計算金融)課程
Introductory Microeconomics
Mr. Chiu Yi Nap Ian 趙爾納先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: Basic Cost and Benefit Analysis, Comparative Advantage, Supply and Demand
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 1
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: Economics
Sim #: Lecture, Content
JS4202 CUHK Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration
香港中文大學 工商管理學士綜合課程
MGNT 1020
Principle of management
Mr. Wat Wai Kwok 屈偉國先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: The management process, human resources management
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year1
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: BAFS
Sim #: Lecture
JS6781 HKU Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance
香港大學 工商管理學學士 / 工商管理學學士(會計及財務)
Financial Derivatives
Mr. Wang Kai Che 王愷喆先生
Course introduction 課程簡介: 介紹金融衍生工具,其投資與風險管理之作用
Expected year to study 預期修讀年份: Year 2
Suggested DSE Electives 建議DSE選修科目: 無
Sim #: Discussion
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